Macktaz and George, Rhode Island Divorce Mediation consists of a team of specialists with over 70 years of combined Rhode Island Family Court experience including:
divorce, case management, and parent coordination in high conflict families.
Our divorce mediation team will help both parties to constructively address the most difficult topics of divorce in a neutral manner.

Contact Pamela Macktaz or Jean George today for a FREE CONSULTATION at or visit our Rhode Island Divorce Mediation website for more information.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hi--we've been quiet for a few weeks. We are busy which is a good thing. It appears that more and more people are beginning to see the value of Mediation as a resource for a negotiated divorce settlement.The majority of the people we are seeing have children under the age of 10 years. There is an appreciation among them that they will be attending Parent/Teacher meetings for years to come--dealing with the usual array of childhood traumas together and basically needing to be able to communicate. We can give them that tool and it is quite gratifying.

An additional plus is that they save much needed money in the present economy. Once they agree to try Mediation it is a sign that they want something better than what the adversarial process. There are tears and raised voices but we remind them of their initial commitment and are able to move forward. If divorce is to be part of your life we urge that you consider the Mediation process. We offer a free consult so there is nothing to lose!!!

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