Macktaz and George, Rhode Island Divorce Mediation consists of a team of specialists with over 70 years of combined Rhode Island Family Court experience including:
divorce, case management, and parent coordination in high conflict families.
Our divorce mediation team will help both parties to constructively address the most difficult topics of divorce in a neutral manner.

Contact Pamela Macktaz or Jean George today for a FREE CONSULTATION at or visit our Rhode Island Divorce Mediation website for more information.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

seeing the light

I am still looking for folks who can help others by detailing their slog through the court labyrinth. We will not use your names. It might help others realize there is an alternative. Our own clients come to us before enduring the expense of a court struggle. We know you are out there and need a sounding board.

We are seeing that when clients come in with there financial info we can usually develop a memorandum of understanding after 3 to 4 hours of mediating. Is this not terrific in light of the average length of the court process with delays, lawyers busy elsewhere etc. Even if you do not need our services it would help to hear from you. Be well!!